411 on Sherrie

Music has always been a BIG part of my life and I started playing guitar at 11. My grandmothers banjo uke was a wall hanger,and I always thought it a "toy" as I was into the 80's rock scene playing bass. Well,years rolled by and finally some years back I decided to give uke a try. I was working a part time job and there were folks there either taking ukulele classes or teaching themselves. I put new strings on that ol banjo uke,and couldn't believe how much fun I was having!

To my delight I also noticed the friendliness and non competitive nature of uke players. I was used to the ego centric,competitive world of hard rockers. Didn't matter how much or how little you knew,you were welcome. Whatever uke you had was fine-no brand snobbiness or being into having to have "the latest". This was a wonderful new world I stepped into!

I started making ukulele gigbags for soprano ukes,which I still do from time to time-I enjoy crazy quilting and do some with crazy quilted front panels. In addition,I'm also on Facebook and have a page here When you follow it,be sure to choose "all posts" under the settings option. FB is trying to limit how much you see of pages you like because they want to charge money for increased exposure. I'm also on Twitter and my follow button is on the main page.

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